What services are available to veterans?
- Anger Management
- Community Service
- Drug and alcohol testing
- Education
- Electronic Monitoring
- Employment or Vocational training
- VA Care
- Portable Breathalyzer
- Other treatment as needed
- Sober Living
- Ignition Interlock
- Inpatient Drug Treatment
- Individual Therapy
- Group Therapy
- Life Skills Classes
- Drug and Alcohol Classes
- Residential Housing
- Mental Health Assessment and Referral
- Substance Abuse Assessment and Referral
How does the community benefit from a Veterans Court?
- Public safety will improve when service members who honorably served, but get in trouble with the law, receive the services needed to reintegrate and contribute to the community again.
- Repeat crime will decrease by the rehabilitation of veterans within the court system.
- Our community will save money and resources by using federally supported treatment programs to assist veterans.
- Taxpayers will save money when the cost of incarceration is reduced.
- Criminal activity will decrease.
- Outcomes for veterans will improve so they are restored as productive and valuable community members.
If I want to apply, what is next?
If you want to apply to the program, you should let your attorney know. You can contact Nicole (program coordinator) or Kennedy (reentry coordinator) to schedule an assessment by calling 812-948-5410 or by clicking on the button below.